Whether you are finding your gift, owning your sh*t or gracing yourself with mindfulness, you will benefit from this conversation with Leigh Koechner. Leigh is a speaker, parenting expert and a spiritual teacher with a Masters in Spiritual Psychology and is committed to being of service by shining her Light and sharing her story. Leigh inspires others by being unapologetically who she is – she has been described as being ballsy, vulnerable, and funny as hell – and yes, she tells you to own your sh*t! Leigh relates her journey growing up in a family of 6 children with a mother who was mentally ill and unavailable to her. She explains that when she was a child, she thought she wasn’t even worth her mom’s attention. But she has learned through her life journey to let go of that disempowering belief and use her story to powerfully impact the world, teaching others the power of being connected to your authentic self.
Follow Leigh on her Facebook Live Series “33” as she discusses mindfulness, relationships, self care, FYG & GYG (find your gift and give your gift), and her own unique style of “ownersh*t”, as the parenting expert on Deepack Chopra’s JIYO app, or work with her privately. She is also holding an event in Los Angeles on March 7, 2019 “Embrace your Messy Imperfect Life”. Check her website for details.