
E39 Choosing Single Parenting with Sarah Fain from the Happier in Hollywood Podcast

Sheila’s guest is Sarah Fain, a TV Writer and Producer, and co-host of the “Happier in Hollywood” podcast, which she hosts with her writing partner and high school friend, Liz Craft.  Sarah shares her journey of choosing to become an Only Parent to her now 6 year old daughter Violet.  She explains how she came to her decision, the process of choosing the donor and her 2 years of attempts at getting pregnant, her time during the pregnancy, and ultimately the joy of welcoming her beautiful baby daughter.  Sarah’s strength and ability to balance her professional life in the entertainment industry with all the aspects of being an Only Parent are inspiring and uplifting.  Follow Sarah and Liz’s journey as writers on Happier in Hollywood as they begin producing their new TV series for ABC, “The Fix”.


Sarah Fain
WANT MORE? Listen to Sheila's Interview on the Happier in Hollywood Podcast

Episode 51: You’re In Charge Of Your Own Career

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